Claim and Own your Power

For as long as I can remember, I dislike the word POWER to the extent that I felt embarrassed using it as it gives a connotation of someone choosing to be manipulative so to gain an upper hand over someone else.

However, during the last few years I had a major flip-over; my attitude towards this word has changed so much that now I can’t live without it on a daily basis, okay… a bit  tongue in cheek perhaps but allow me to explain. I know that life is full of contradictions so for me to find my power at my most powerless stage seems a bit odd to say the least. When given the “C” word as diagnosis, my fear level hit the roof but I managed to calm myself down enough to sit back and watch my life reviews, or should I say self-generated life reviews’ preview. They were generally great stuff to go through though I cringed over some minor bits but overall I was grateful for all the “learned” experiences. 

However, I felt much regret over how “absent-minded” I have been floating through life like a light footed ghost manoeuvring turns in a “going through the motions” style. I know I was present in all events, darting here and there, but hey guys, there has to be a bit more?  So I told myself if I was going to die, I needed to die with some oomph still in me and I was determined to go out with flying colours.  Yup, what a “show-off”! 

As I sat in this disempowering state trying to Google for life’s answers, even the Internet got impatient with me and suggested that I should consult Siri. It was a waste of my time really as this “sounds polite enough” virtual assistant could not get my accent. I further discovered that my “grief” was not entirely related to my fear of my disappearing act. I heard that the process of transition is like lifting and shifting my behind from one chair to the next as was told by a few Near Death Experiencers. I can do that!  ...but to have so called LIVED A LIFE without the much “LIVED” parts is like having cheated on myself big time.

What did I miss?

I am having some problems here trying to rake up an analogy for you, as weird as it is (really what sort of explanations are you expecting from a “weird as” person, a weird explanation, right?) but this can be the world’s first. I realized that the comfortable numbness I have felt throughout my life though not listed as life threatening is very frustrating.  It is like an annoying itch on my back that I cannot reach. But an itch usually signals that something is not quite right and the continuing symptom can drive anyone insane. I need to hop over to that “sweet spot” and find myself some relief!

Then I saw the light, almost blinded me with such cruel self discovery. I have been suffering (definition: living with total denial) from a grand case of self-disempowerment. I have unknowingly “unplugged” my power connection conduit and the worst thing is...where about is my battery charger? I believe I have misplaced the charger because I failed to read the “birth entry” manual on my arrival and no one ever told me about it.

It was unfortunate that no one ever bothered to enlighten us that we were all born with this unique power; substitute that previous “dirty” word with “gentle knowingness”... of who we truly are and how magnificent we are as spiritual beings going through physical experiences. We learned to play small and traded our inner power/pure knowingness to either please others or helping them not to feel overshadowed by our “shininess”. That was our GREATEST miss-take, knocking ourselves off the “deserving”  pedestals where goodness and humanness are revered.  

My next discovery both frightened and excited me as I saw the connection between the  claiming back of my AUTHENTIC POWER (which is our birth day gift from Day 1) and the first hello to my SOUL SENSING ( sorry I cannot figure out another description). As they began to merge, I was HOME at last and felt no lack.  

Then it also occurred to me that I have never invited my Soul to participate in any life activities, least with any of my decisions, I merely engaged with my five senses.  My “Soul” sensing my receptivity began to invite my “personality” out for a dance; believe me it was a better watch than the “Dancing with the Stars”! Their energies resonated with each other and they ALIGNED whenever my personality yields to the impulse of my Soul. I feel full, complete and damn POWERFUL when I allow my personality to “serve” the energy of my Soul. Life then takes on a different Meaning.

Here I would like to invite you to scratch a little bit deeper where it itches/numbs so to reclaim and own your power back. Then once you have located the seed/seat of your power, sit in it and everything would become so much clearer.  How can it not be if we send out an invite to the wisest part of our being to lead. Therein I learned the meaning of the phrase “I need do nothing” but merely just attending to what feels like “superb love” at any given moment knowing that I am beautifully guided.

Charge up your battery/power pack and feel alive today. Share and contribute only from the most powerful part of you, the rest, no one is Interested

Be willing to give up your powerless story, go play your Biggest Game instead

           - Yours truly

I thank you all once again for sharing my musings and I send you much love.

Bonnie Hoo