A Perfect 20/20 Vision for Year 2020

Welcome to a brand new 2020, I believe that many of us have experienced a rather tough year and secretly hoping that as the clock strikes twelve, our “fortune” would change for the better. Of course it has nothing to do with the setting of the clock but I have a feeling that how we set our intention can influence both the “coming attractions” and “determined quality” of our life to a certain extent.  

With less than two days to hand in this assignment to Adrian, our Webmaster to be posted out on the first, I feel fortunate to have received a lovely email from my husband containing this beautiful life message to share with you. So here it is:

Dialogue between God and the Dead Man:

A man died…. when he realised it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.

God: “Alright son, it’s time to go”

Man: “So soon? I had a lot of plans ...”

God: “I am sorry but it’s time to go

Man: “What do you have in that suitcase?”

God: “Your belongings”

Man: “My belongings? you mean my things...clothes...money…”

God: “Those things were never yours, they belong to the Earth”

Man: “Is it my memories?”

God: “No, they belong to time

Man: “Is it my talent?”

God: “No, they belong to circumstances”

Man: “Is it my friends and family?”

God: “No son, they belong to the path you travelled

Man: “Is it my wife and children?”

God: “No, they belong to your heart

Man: “Then it must be my body”

God: “No No...it belongs to dust”

Man: “Then surely it must be my Soul!”

God: “You are sadly mistaken son, your Soul Belongs to me”.

Man with tears in his eyes and full of fear took the suitcase from God’s hand and opened it…


With heart broken and tears down his cheek he asks God…

Man: “I never owned anything?”

God: “That’s right, you never owned anything”

Man: “Then..what was mine?”


Do Good in every moment,

Think Good in every moment,

Thank God for every moment.


Live it…..

Love it…..

Enjoy it…..

(Please share this beautiful message with everyone to know the meaning of life!)

Incidentally, the two words I love most in the Dictionary are HOME and MOMENT and my two most favourite songs are “THIS IS THE MOMENT” and “MOMENT OF TIME”.  I am excited to begin the new year with a blank page for every day of the year and I will dress up each page with interesting stories to tell, experiences to cherish, new perceptions to enlighten, brave actions to empower, kind words to inspire, huge hugs to give and roaring laughter to share. Perhaps this year I would even substitute a word which has not resonate well with me for a while now.  It is the word “lesson”, like…”this is your exact lesson, mate”, “you really need to overcome your lesson” and “when are you going to learn from all these lessons?”  (note plural). This list goes on and on, reminding me 24/7 that there is something so wrong with me that I need to have myself checked and fixed at all times.  This obsession is turning me into a rather dull and boring specimen. I wonder if there is another “happier” word looking at the gifts of lessons.

Yes there is (at least for myself in 2020) and I would welcome this new year with my 20/20 vision of celebrating myself while the fireworks will herald in my new “image” (or whatever word you would like to use). To be blunt, I am sick of reading myself in the “less than” column;... “Less than what?” I would ask!!!!  I’d like to welcome and accept myself as a “healthily whole” and an “imperfectly perfect” specimen/piece of art. I shall let go of all my long suffering lessons and use the word examples instead.  I would be attracting and surrounded by all these glorious examples others are sharing with me and I, in turn would endeavour to imitate them (so to flatter them of course). What a sane way to learn/experience through joy and positivity instead of through shame and inadequacy.  I would stay open and receptive to each precious MOMENT knowing the full meaning of enoughness in each. I am so excited to start this new year with you, of course I would not know in advance what my life will bring forth to be sharing with you, that is the fun part of it, not knowing, yet learning to trust that all will be fine.  Will talk more next month, may we all gently hold each precious moment in our hand but don’t hold it too tight for it is in the sharing that the magic multiples. Thank you again for reading my blog and I send you love.

You have a choice each and every single day.  I choose to feel blessed. I choose to feel grateful.  I choose to be excited.  I choose to be thankful. I choose to be happy - Amber Housley

Happiness is the new rich;  inner peace is the new success;  health is the new wealth; kindness is the new cool - writer unknown

Bonnie Hoo